Back in June 2020 we supported the planting of 120,000 trees in the Lake District. I'm delighted to report that the willow trees have grown really well, better than expected, given the troublesome soil conditions at some of the site.

The willow trees will soon to be ready for harvest - they would have been harvested already, were it not for the wet summer in the UK. Once harvested, they will regenerate, ready for harvest again in 3-4 years time.

We would like to thank again all the donors and supporters who provided funding in return for voluntary carbon offsets, who've helped make this project a success so far.

We continue to look our for new carbon offset schemes in the UK to support, and more land for willow. So please get in touch if you have an idea you would like to discuss.
We'll write another update during harvest in the coming month or so (weather permitting!).